Also this year Galleria & Friends, the project by Elisabetta Invernici and Alberto Oliva to rediscover and enhance the Milanese excellences of craftsmanship and old workshops, has chosen to conclude the 2024 meetings with bingo. And which historic workshop was more suitable than Cilento 1780? The legendary Neapolitan tailoring address dating back to 1780, with a very busy branch in Milan in Via Fiori Oscuri, in the heart of Brera. The success was greater than expectations. At 5pm, the time of the appointment, the shop was packed, with it almost impossible to find seats, despite the many chairs, armchairs and sofas. The numbers were drawn, after some exorcism with a large red horn, by Gustavo La Volpe, a true Neapolitan and actor. Gifts from both tombola: bottles, biscuits, chocolate, books on the shops and scarves for the winners of the two tombolas, who were congratulated by Ugo Cilento, connected from Naples.